Saturday, 23 November 2013

Simply TMJ

It was a very successful workshop on November 2nd and 3rd.  It was a slightly larger group than I usually teach and presented the opportunity to use Lesli Smith as my Teaching Assistant.  I always enjoy having a colleague to work and practice with because it further challenges me to be exacting with our presentation of the hands-on techniques.

I also upgraded my audiovisuals to include a projector and screen.  Now I can have anatomy pictures up on the screen so everyone can be "on the same page."  I think with more practice with my new AV equipment the courses will be even better in the future.  The feedback would suggest the students liked it too.

I must congratulate the class on great work.  Some of the hands-on can be challenging; both to the patient AND therapist.  This was clearly demonstrated when we treated the back of the tongue and going down the throat to treat the pharyngeal constrictor muscles.  Yes there was some discomfort at the time but afterward it seemed that everyones tongue waggled much easier!

Thank you all who attended for making the class so much fun!

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