I was pleased to instruct at Utopia Academy in Vancouver this Spring. What a wonderful group of students. The environment was relaxed and professional both with the students and the staff.
The first day was getting everyone to palpate the cranial Sacral Rhythm (CSR) or the Cranial Rhythmical Impulse (CRI) as well as some of the anatomy and physiology of the cranial sacral system.
The next 5 days were spent exploring. We covered the fascial and membranous diaphragms in the body. Namely the pelvic and respiratory diaphragms; the thoracic inlet (or outlet depending on your point of view); at the level of the hyoid; the junction between the occiput and atlas (C1). The tentorium cerebelli and falx cerebri inside the skull were also addressed. We all built models of the intracranial membranes. This was a great exercise to have the tentorium cerebelli and falx cerebri take three dimensional form. It gives a real appreciation to the anatomy and function.
We continues with decompressing the lumosacral junction and feeling the dural tube. "It's really cool" when you feel the synchronicity of the sacrum and cranium.
We got into the cranium next. I was happy to observe the students differentiating between sutural and membranous lesions. There was ample time to practice all the techniques and help give confidence in their abilities.
The students got to witness first hand positive changes to a fellow classmate that was experiencing a condition that is proving difficult to diagnose. It is always wonderful to see improvement to people that are close to use. In this case it also demonstrated how something as gentle as Cranial Sacral Therapy can have profound results were other techniques have failed.
We had some extra time on the last day before exams and we covered some intraoral and extraoral work to do with treating the temporomandibular joints. I always enjoy when a class would rather cover interesting work rather than taking off early on a Friday afternoon! Great job to all!
I've been asked to return to teach again in the future. It was such a good experience for me, and for all, I think, that I will teach at Utopia Academy again in the future.