Friday, 30 March 2012

Front of the Head day 1

Looking forward to teaching tomorrow.  The workshop is the Advanced Cranial "Front of the Head".  It is a six day course of Cranial Sacral Therapy.

We will be starting the course talking about the Cranial Rhythmical Impulse (CRI) especially the quality.  After a little theoretical we will move onto the practical aspects and palpate the CRI at the "expansion pivots" at the front and back of the head.

We will be exploring the CRI in the extremities as well in order to learn an important principle in Advanced Cranial: the "Challenge" Test or "Nudge" Test as it is often called.  This test is vital in assuring that the corrections you are making to the system are of a positive nature.  This Challenge Test is only taught by Dynamic Therapies Advanced Cranial.  It is what gives profound confidence to therapists learning this technique. 

We will use the CRI and the Challenge Test to assess joints in the extremities and to place the "joints on track".  Meaning that the CRI will now be consistent across the joint and not diminished in some form.  This is wonderful for helping joint problems.

Next comes two techniques that to my knowledge no other instructor teaches.  Two light easy methods of correcting facet restrictions in the spine.  These can be performed with the person standing, sitting or in a prone position.  For those of you familiar with Muscle Energy Technique (MET) you are aware of the far reaching influence of correcting joint dysfunctions in the spine.  The nice thing with these two methods is that the person does not have to always have to bend forward or arch backward in order to test and treat.  It is great for acute conditions or people that are highly sensitive.  Using these two techniques we will correct "CRI Blocks in the spine".

One of the things I'm looking forward to is when we do the "Bowl Balance".  This synchronizes the cranium-sacrum-respiratory diaphragm.  This is often the point were students get really excited as they feel a head get "pumped up!"